Protecting Children Together

Tehila takes action

Tehila prevents and responds to violence against children. We do this by equipping, strengthening and building the capacity of individuals, communities and organisations through partnerships with existing networks to create safer environments for children. 

What we do 

The work of Tehila is carried out under the following four strands:

  • We walk alongside communities and organisations to PREVENT & RESPOND to violence and harm against children.  

  • We INVOLVE children in their own protection. 

  • We collaborate through NETWORK building and partnership to accomplish the most effective and sustainable impact for children. 

In 2021…

Tehila directly worked with 3971 children and 2727 adults, including 1139 children through touch talks, 101 through discipleship and 276 through phone mentoring and counselling support.

Tehila indirectly impacted 12,378 children through radio programmes, justice workshops, parenting support, safe places programmes and touch talks

Radio programmes in partnership with the Samalani Children at Risk Network (SCAR) reached children during COVID-19 with child protection messages

Phone mentoring provided emotional support to children

Safe Places programme enabled adults to be more effective to responding to children at risk

Discipleship programme in partnership with AWANA led to positive behaviour change in children and strengthened relationships with parents

Touch Talk used by community members for children to learn “safety” messages and disclose abuse

Shalom Centre was launched for counselling and paralegal services supporting children needing psychosocial and paralegal help

Our Action

Interactive Training; Building effectiveness for local initiatives; Advocacy support for victims; Campaigning for change

Lives Impacted

Changing lives and restoring hope. Read the stories of lives impacted by the work of Tehila.

Your Action

By supporting Tehila you can help stop the cycle of child cruelty and abuse in Zambia.

Regular Updates

If you would like to receive regular updates about Tehila including campaigns and fundraisers, please would you contact us and we'd be pleased to send to you. By making this request, you agree with the handling of your data by Tehila in accordance with our privacy policy.